Semi-random ramblings from the ethereal edge of...ahh forget it.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The Robin Hood rationale taxing to some NYC residents: cry me the Hudson river.

This is great stuff...

From CBS News:

ALBANY (CBS) ― Mayor Michael Bloomberg's congestion pricing plan may be dead, but Assembly Democrats do have a plan to raise money for mass transit: tax the rich.

It's what Albany calls a "millionaire's tax."

Yes, billionaires like Bloomberg will ante up, too.

Under the plan, people who earn over $1 million in New York state will pay an income tax surcharge of about 3/4 of 1 percent for five years. In all, it would raise over $5 billion for mass transit.

Michael Bloomberg and the NYC Dems are knocking this one out of the park.

How's that for problem solving? The traffic situation in the Big Apple is atrocious, and Bloomberg, a Republican, and the Dems are being proactive.

And for the crybabies who earn more than one million per year who work in NYC and live elswhere I say this: hand it over.

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