Semi-random ramblings from the ethereal edge of...ahh forget it.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year's wishes for friends, family

My New Year's wishes for 2009 are as follows:

For Gavin to get the Texas girl and an OU national championship.

For Jessi to put 2008 behind her and find exactly what she's searching for.

For my grandparents to continue to enjoy central Florida, as far from the ocean (and the gulf) as possible.

For my baby niece to pick-up her first basketball.

For Swartzie to be a good husband.

For a tobacco-free golf season for Dick.

For a real estate bubble for Kathie.

For Mom to keep spoiling her only granddaughter.

For Jim to get the girl, and you know who I'm talking about.

For Coach Schmidt to get his D-1 gig.

For Janelle and Jeff to find work.

For Glitz to introduce me to his Texas girl.

For Angie to continue to make a difference.

For a full-time gig for Jennings.

For a job for Dan and a vacation for Michelle.

For Kristi to finally beat me in Jeopardy.

For Carl to allow me to sing another duet with him.

For Dylan to love music as much as he loves golf, or vice versa.

For Gerry to move to Flint and run for mayor.

For my Sunday School class to not find anything better to do on Sunday mornings.

For continued recovery for Dad.

For the Speedster to stay with you know who.

For Kennedy to not have to go back to Olivet.

For my Lakers to get the college scholarships they've worked so hard for.

For Pardeep and Patrick to take over the Journal's sports department.

For Jordan Grambush to sing a solo.

For the Skaffs to adopt me for a week.

For Megin to keep coming to Sunday School.

For Zaffy to be the next Peggy Noonan.

For Caldwell to marry the next Peggy Noonan.

For Erick to get to states.

For the Pipe to continue to grow.

For Jake to start, and shoot...and shoot.

For AO to lead the Buckeyes to the NCAA tournament.

For some game for Joey.

For Courtney to start playing the keys, too.

For someone to stay off the Chema.

For Jaicy to have a great new life.

For Cheana to enjoy something new, and different.

For Amber to fly high in the Hair Force.

For Hilary to finally convince me to visit South Bend again.

For Kaleb to get a scholly to GVSU.

For Eric to start coming to PIPE.

For Jeff's jerseys to keep getting smaller (or is he getting bigger?)

For Megan to find a new job.

For Nicole to be an All-American in New Orleans.

For Josh Hoover to run into Jewel, and drop my name.

For Madeline to move back to Michigan.

For the James girls in what's next.

For Chris to keep tickling the ivories.

For Chelsea on the Gold Coast.

For an end to Talk of the Town for Fish.

For Trent to beat Hamady and Buctown.

For Matheson to beat GCS.

For another orange smoothy with Jill.

For Meechie to win the city scoring title.

For more hugs from the Moores.

For Marcellus to be named "best dressed" in Flint.

For Matt Popovits to show Rob Bell who's boss.

For more ebonics with B-Kizzle.

For that basketball game I promised to Amanda.

For Dave to be a music pastor again.

For new friends for Allison.

For Katie to be chosen as the Journal's new editor.

For Dr. Mike to find a new football team to root for.

For OV to find her man.

For 20 pounds for D-Weave.

For Taylor to still say "VG's" even after the Spartan takeover.

For the Welch Twins to meet Obama.

For what's left of that poor couch we tragically lost on U.S. 23.

For me to get that expensive Jewel Live double-DVD.


Anonymous said...

Thank you brother...For Jared, the hardest working man at the Journal award...

love7ghandi said...
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love7ghandi said...

oh. do I have stories for you. :)