Semi-random ramblings from the ethereal edge of...ahh forget it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Election 2008: It takes all kinds

I met the most peculiar woman today at a grocery store. I was talking to her about the upcoming presidential election and, as crazy as this sounds, she left me speechless.

When I asked her who she thought was going to win, she didn't give me a straight answer. Instead, she proceeded to tell me that Barack Obama is, in fact, a Muslim and an unpatriotic one at that. She said that one time he was on videotape during the national anthem and (pause for dramatic effect) he didn't even mouth the words!

Before I had the opportunity to pencil her name into the Republican column, she told me that if McCain becomes president our country will be in Iraq forever — and that our boys will return home in every manner of maimed.

I was troubled about this woman and her mental health. How can she deal with the prospect of voting for either an anti-American Muslim or a warmonger?

(In her defense, she did call me an "all-American lookin' guy.")

My favorite reporter moment of the day came when I asked a gentleman named George about the election.

Here was his response:

“I don't think either of them should be president. I couldn't give a crap less one way or the other.”

I love printing stuff like that.

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