Semi-random ramblings from the ethereal edge of...ahh forget it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Day the Dow Died: Pelosi speech credited with bombed bailout bill

Today was the day the Dow died.

The single most influential economic index in world, the New York Stock Exchange, lost nearly 800 points on a near black Monday on Wall Street.

News of the failed $700 billion bailout earned for the Big Board the singlest greatest one-day loss, as measured in points, in American history.

Now, we know who is responsible for our faltering credit markets (lenders, consumers, and bureaucrats), but who gets the blame for taking the bill out at the knees on Monday?

Answer: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who, responding to the drama of the moment, opted to rub the Republicans' noses in the economic downturn that they are only partially responsible.

Many Republicans simply returned the favor, and thumbed their noses at Pelosi by against the bailout plan.

I won't poison the water on this issue any further than I already have. Watch the video for yourself.

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

I always enjoy your posts. I do not think the Speaker was out of bounds as she commented on the GOP's record. I wonder how McCain will be a reformer when he has championed the slashing of regulations and safeguards from the get-go, back to his involvement in the Keating 5 scandal.