Semi-random ramblings from the ethereal edge of...ahh forget it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The tale of the tape: Election 2008 style

Now that things appear to be dead even in the race for the White House, the time has come to breakdown the matchup between Barack Obama and John McCain.

(Keep in mind that this is just one man's opinion.)

The Tale of the Tape: Obama v. McCain

Experience: Advantage McCain -- McCain, by any measure, has more of what we look for in a prospective president when it comes to experience.

Abortion: Advantage: McCain -- I don't see this as a political issue, though I know most do. McCain is ardently pro-life.

Cuba: Advantage Obama -- Begin to ease restrictions.

Death penalty: Advantage Obama -- Capital punishment should not be expanded nor should appeals be increasingly limited.

Education: Advantage McCain -- Favors competition in education and, specifically, vouchers.

Gay marriage: Advantage Push -- Both oppose constitutional ban on gay marriage. Both support legal rights for homosexuals in civil unions.

Global warming: Advantage McCain -- Both are caught up in the hysteria, but McCain takes a more reasonable stance with respect to public policy.

Gun control: Advantage Obama -- Doesn't believe the spirit of the second amendment allows for common citizens the right to bear machine guns.

Healthcare: Advantage McCain -- Favors tax credits to mitigate healthcare costs and opposes a universal healthcare system.

Immigration: Advantage Push -- Both want to achieve legal status for illegal immigrants.

Iran: Advantage Obama -- Supports direct diplomacy with Iran.

Iraq: Advantage Obama -- Supports expeditious withdrawl.

Social Security: Advantage Push -- Neither has anything of substance to speak on the issue.

Stem Cell Research: Advantage Push -- Both support relaxing federal restrictions on financing of embryonic stem cell research.

Taxes: Advantage McCain -- Supports lower taxes across the board.

Trade: Advantage Obama -- Prefers to enforce trade agreements rather than amending them. Wants to strengthen enforcement of labor standards.

The final tally

Obama: 6
McCain: 6
Push: 5

The final analysis

Write in Ron Paul.

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