Semi-random ramblings from the ethereal edge of...ahh forget it.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

My week in the jury box

For the past week, I've had the good fortune of serving my city, my county, my state, my country and my fellow man.

Or, at least that is what I was told.

I did my civic duty, serving as a juror and ruling on a civil case brought before Judge Thomas Yuille.

I arrived last Tuesday morning at the Genesee County Courthouse, bright and early, and nearly slept through a propaganda video that basically equated jury duty to taking fire in a foxhole at Guadalcanal.

Not long after the sappy video was over, I was taken with about 50 others into the courtroom for voir dire. This process of selecting a jury is interesting, in that both parties have opportunities to dismiss prospective jurors without cause--a veto we call premptory challenge.

The jury box was one sucker short of being full when I heard my name called by the clerk of the court.

I approached the podium knowing that I would be a shoe-in for dismissal. As it turned out, it was the perfect storm that morning.

In this case the plaintiff, one Jamie Prevo, was sueing his former employer, Merchants and Medical Credit Corporation, for unlawful termination.

I alerted counsel to the fact that I had been a debtor of MMCC when I was only two years out of high school, and that my dealings with them were less than perfect.

The plaintiff's counsel, obviously, liked me because it was, undoubtedly, their believe that as a debtor I might be sympathetic to Mr. Prevo. On the other hand, the defense wanted me on that jury because they knew I was educated. As an educated person, I wouldn't be as prone to being duped by a shrewd attorney at $300 per hour.

And so, neither had an objection to my presence and before long I was listening to opening statements with my seven new friends.

The particulars

Mr. Prevo was claiming two things:

1.) That the defendant (MMCC) fired him after learning that he was going to report the company for using illegal software on numerous computers.

2.) That the defendant (MMCC) discriminated against him as a result of his weight.

I did my best to keep an open mind, but the case seemed contrived from the very start.

First, Mr. Prevo was MMCC's top computer technician and loaded the illegal software himself. Mr. Prevo, however, opted to go with the "Nuremberg" defense, claiming that he was forced to do it and that he feared losing his job if he didn't.

It was a ridiculous defense, however, because had Mr. Prevo refused and been fired for it, he would have an open-and-shut case of unlawful termination.

Since the burden of proof was on the plaintiff to prove his case, I waited for a smoking gun...and waited...and waited.

The claim of weight discrimination was feckless, based only on hearsay. Further, Mr. Prevo was actually 100+ pounds heavier when he was first hired by MMCC.

As for the claim of being unlawfully discharged while under the protection of the Whistleblower's Act, the plaintiff failed to prove that he was dismissed on account of the threat to turn the company in.

It became clear, by virtue of numerous testimonies of co-workers, that Mr. Prevo was actually fired for making a threat to "wipe the computers clean".

After an embarrassing closing argument by the plaintiff's counsel, it was obvious to me what our decision would be.

In spite of the plaintiff's request of $130,000 in damages, my jury awarded him nothing.

It took some work, but I convinced my fellow jurors that Mr. Prevo was, indeed, under the protection of the Whistleblower's Act when he threatened to turn his employer into authorities and that he was subsequently terminated. However, since there was no causal connection between the protected act and the termination, he was not entitled to damages under the act.

As with any jury rendering a verdict against the plaintiff, no one looked in his direction when we entered the courtroom.

After being discharged by Judge Yuille, we went back to the jury room and were allowed to ask questions of the judge. He did not hesitate to tell us that he would have ruled in the same manner. Further, he informed us that Mr. Prevo had previously been arrested for hacking into computers--information that was suppressed during the trial.

He had the wrong jury

It's now all too obvious to me how we get many of the insane decisions in our court systems. To be a juror, you really need only to be an 18-year-old citizen in somewhat good standing.

There are a lot of uneducated people out there, and if you happen to get eight of them together in a room, anything can happen.

It would have been easy to get side-tracked with all the irrelevant hardship testimony about Mr. Prevo's personal life. That being said, I took pains during deliberations to remind my fellow jurors to only consider what the plaintiff proved against what the law says.

Mr. Prevo had preexisting emotional distress that had no direct correlation to his termination from employment at MMCC.

Mr. Prevo just had the wrong jury. It is scary to think that we could have forced MMCC to pay any amount of money we saw fit.

And the real tragedy of frivolous lawsuits like this one is that in this country, unlike many others, the loser does not have to pay the winner's court costs. There should be a stiff penalty for bringing anyone to court on dubious grounds.

A lighter moment

I felt a little guilty, at least at first, for questioning the competence of one of my fellow jurors. Juror #6 was an older women with hearing and vision problems in addition to obvious mental issues.

I didn't know exactly what to say about her to the rest of the jury, but luckily she did the hard work for me.

During our first lunch as a jury, she sat at my table at the Masonic Temple in downtown Flint. Like any avid reader, I had a book with me just in case I had some down time. The book, sitting on the table, drew her interest right away.

"Is that book about the case?" she asked.

After giving her the "you can't be serious" look, I calmly answered, "nope" and went about eating my lunch.

I've been known to churn out information in print fairly quickly, but publishing a book about a court case only two hours old would have been a challenge.

(The book, just for the record, was Rammer Jammer, Yellow Hammer.)

Juror #6 was eventually dismissed, deemed to be incapable of serving due to the amount of meds she is currently taking.


Unknown said...

I'm glad you were on this jury, you clearly saw him for what he was. I was a witness for the defendant. It made me sick knowing what this guy tried to do to us after his employment ended and what he did in his youth and wondering if he would try to do more in the future.

To parade his children in the courtroom shows that he may only have a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours floating around in his head. It was obviously done hoping that it would have an impact on the jury which shows how out of touch he and his attorney is with reality.

His audacity to bring such a frivilous lawsuit and his previous acts of suing for monetary damages proves that this guy wants a free ride in life and does not mind obtaining it by becoming an habitual litigator.

Thanks for writing this blog, it is interesting to see this through the eyes of a jury member. :)

Lawrence James said...

Dear Mr Field,
I first want to start out by saying that I am not mad at you, I don't seek revenge of any kind. I am just writing to set the record straight. I was curious as to why there seemed to be a lot of biased against me in your writing through. I thought I would write you to point out a few issues in your blog.
The case seemed contrived from the start? To set the record straight, I never "Planned" anything in this. For anyone to say that I planned this from the start is absurd.
Next, I was not MMCC's "top" computer technician. The owner's son was the company's "top" computer tech, not like they made me out to be. I worked in the IT department and yes set PC's up. When I asked for software the "company" gave me the illegal software to load. At that point I could have and honestly should have refused to load the software, however I could not risk being out of work.
I had a ridiculous defense? How is that so? Just to let you know when I started my job, MMCC had a handful of PC's in their office, every time a new computer was added David Cairnduff, the owner's son, came to me to "set it up". It was not my primary job duty. He would tell me what software he wanted loaded and every time I did so I would tell him the same thing. "Dave, we (as a company) need to buy this software" He was so afraid of his dad that he would never address the issue and would tell me, just load "what we have". When I first started, the PC that I was given did not have Office on it. My supervisor Joe Carpenter brought me a burnt copy of Office 97 from Dave's office. However Joe, a friend and parish member of "Greg Church" wouldn't testify against MMCC. When asked about this, yes being seven years ago, he didn't remember bringing me a burnt copy of Office. He was told by THEIR attorney not to discuss the case with me or my attorneys. Hummm, I wonder why that was? Here is something to think about, why would I go and get illegal software for the company? That is absurd. What would have been my gain?
Next, you waited for a "smoking gun". Did you not realize that this was a civil trial and not a criminal trial? There does not need to be a smoking gun, all I had to do was show, with circumstantial evidence, that my case had merit. There did not need to be a smoking gun. All I needed was a preponderance of the evidence
n. the greater weight of the evidence required in a civil (non-criminal) lawsuit for the trier of fact (jury or judge without a jury) to decide in favor of one side or the other. This preponderance is based on the more convincing evidence and its probable truth or accuracy, and not on the amount of evidence. Preponderance of the evidence is required in a civil case and is contrasted with "beyond a reasonable doubt," which is the more severe test of evidence required to convict in a criminal trial. No matter what the definition stated in various legal opinions, the meaning is somewhat subjective.
Let's review the case from my stand point. The jury said that "Threatening to turn the company in for using illegal software was not a reason why I was fired"
1st, I told Andrea church that I was going to report them, what does she do, she tells the owner this, she even had this in a written statement and even testified that "Yes, Mr. Prevo said that". What else was said in that conversation? I did say I was going to wipe MY computer clean. As I told the jury, as I am telling you now, I did not say I would wipe the computer OUT. In computer lingo I was going to start the machine over "clean" with no illegal software or any of my own software. What happens from that point? I made the threat to wipe a computer, why wasn't I brought in and questioned ASAP about this if it was a credible threat? Why did they let me work a whole extra day? And then, why were they moving my desk? Then they said that I requested to be moved, which was a flat out lie. They moved my desk right near who? The owner, Greg Church, and David Cairnduff, right out on to the noisy floor where data input is. How would a programmer have a quiet area to work? They were moving my desk and were going to continue to let me work! They do that to intimidate their employees they want to quit.
What happens next in the chain of events? I call into a Co-worker to let him know I was on my way in, Greg Church monitors the call, which came VERY, VERY close to breaking wire tapping laws. Oh BTW, they never had a recording that calls could be monitored at that time, they added that to their recording AFTER this case was filed and when they were questioned about monitoring calls. Greg testified, "He wanted to know what my reaction would be to having my desk moved" If you review his testimony and his deposition, they were completely different. In testimony he said someone said I was on the phone, however his deposition and statement said "through random monitoring", even his statement said that! So what was true?
So let's go with his testimony "He wanted to know my reaction" What was my reaction on that call, I was ticked off, highly ticked off. They move my desk behind my back without telling me. I am telling you the honest truth here, they have done this in the past to force people to quit. Do I remember all the names and keep a diary of every person, time and date it happened to, no. Do normal people, I doubt it.
In that call I never "threaten to wipe my computer clean" I was simply ticked off about my desk being moved. In my opinion that is when they decided that I was a going to be terminated. In the phone conversation I did say "I SHOULD just quit" SHOULD is a very big and loaded word. However I knew at the time I couldn't just up and quit my job. I never formally quit.
Why did after that call they decided "Oh just moving his desk will not work"? I don't know why, maybe because I was ticked off? Maybe they thought just moving my desk wouldn't work. Who knows, however one thing is true and WAS testified to. The owner point blank brought up the illegal software issue DURING my termination meeting. It was the 1st thing he asked me. If that was not an issue why did he ask me about it? Also, all 4 of the other managers testified that Mr. Cairnduff brought up the issue of the illegal software. Then he ends the meeting saying "I can't have someone working for me I can't trust" then tells me my employment with MMCC is terminated.
Then what happens? The "tape" of the conversation comes up missing, during discovery of the case they claim to have this "TAPE", however upon request of it, it was nowhere to be found. Why? I have insiders that say that the tape was intentionally destroyed, however that is hearsay.
Then the owner flat out lied and testified "Mr. Prevo Quit". I was floored as to why he would say this and admit it as truth. "Quit/Fired, whatever you want to call it" The jury bought that? What was he trying to cover up? Only thing I assume is because he did not want to pay me unemployment. Leading into that, the judge withheld the court hearing for unemployment as well, well it was held in Limine, as was the "Computer Hacking" thing, which by the way NEVER happened, I will explain in a bit. Did you know that the Unemployment court sided with me?
Guess how Client Financial Services got started? Mike Meythaler had been talking about going on his own for quite some time. After Mike gave a deposition, MMCC started treating him bad as well. Who else did they treat badly, every person that testified on my behalf, BEFORE they went to work for CFS. Bruce Fritz, Sharon Little, Nicole Maddock, and even Cory Stiff. Cory Stiff, why did he not testify? Want to know the truth on that? The day Cory Stiff went to his deposition, Mr. Cairnduff was right next to him right in his face and the defense tripped him up bad. Cory was still working for MMCC at the time. They were biting at the bit to get him on the stand. They were mad at him because his statement about the phone call did not match everyone else. What happens after Cory's deposition? They started treating him bad, Cory quit and went to work for Thompson in Ann Arbor, until he eventually came to CFS. CFS, guess how many ex MMCC employee's work for CFS now? Try 20, some with over 20 years time at MMCC!
Now what was this about being arrested for computer hacking. You want to know the truth of that. It never happened. Where did this come from? My mother had a deposition taken in my case. Why? They needed character witnesses. However what people probably did not realize is that my mother is a VERY shy and timid person, one of those "uneducated" people you wrote about in your blog. The defense gets my mom in there and started firing questions at her and what happens? They get her tripped up and she answers them incorrectly. Her whole deposition was thrown out by the judge because I have NO arrest record what so ever! Want to know what happened? When I was 12/13 years old I was messing around with a Voicemail system, which got traced to my parent's house. The police investigated it and nothing came of it other than me writing a 5000 word essay as to the proper use of a phone. I was a kid, something I did that was wrong and learned from it. However the defense tries to make me sound like this notorious Osama Bin Laden computer hacker. Why is it that the defense only wanted ONE line of my mom's deposition added to the evidence? Maybe the jury would read the whole thing and seen that the defense tripped her up? When I testified that I "Never was arrested for computer hacking" that WAS NOT A LIE! Then you say the judge said this as FACT? Sorry but that is a tad bit slanderous on the judge's part! Not that anything could come of it, seeing you are posting Hearsay on your blog as well. I would advise in light of knowing this from me, you should post a retraction on your blog or show proof of an actual arrest record, which the defense could have easily obtained!
As for my preexisting emotional distress, just because I had it does not mean that my termination did not affect me. Matter of fact, the termination made my situation even worse than it was. When that happened in my life, I tried the best to hold things together. I got up and went to work every day for almost two months before I was terminated. So to say that the termination did not further my stress is false. When I went to see that "doctor" guess what was going on in my life. I just met my future wife, I had a new job, and things were starting to look up for me. All the symptoms that doctor explained in that court room. I had them, but could not bring myself to admit that I was depressed. You cannot be declared clinically depressed in one 3 hour visit.
I had a frivolous lawsuit? I am sorry, but that is your opinion. My case against MMCC was NOT frivolous, want to know what was frivolous. That this case went to mediation to settle out of court. Did you know that this happens in every lawsuit in this country? That an independent panel of attorneys reviews the whole case and gives their recommendation. If I would have rejected the mediation then yes I would have had to pay ALL court cost and attorney fees. The mediators said the case was in my favor and said MMCC was responsible for one year of my salary, $30,000. Guess what the jury did not hear. We accepted that, MMCC rejected it, knowing full well that their attorney fees would be well more than 30k. As far as what you posted about cost, you are wrong. I can and am being held responsible for their cost, they ARE coming after me for it. I am not responsible for their attorney fees because I accepted mediation, they rejected it. This could have been over with a long time ago, however MMCC did not want to. Want to know something else, MMCC's attorney highly recommended they settle this out of court. The jury didn't know that either did they?
Mr. Field again, I respect you as a person, I think you are a very educated person and feel you are a person of reason. I had my feeling about this case and have tried to figure where things went wrong. I did not get up on that stand and say I am all mighty and perfect. In fact I testified, yes I did things wrong and made my supervisor aware of the issues time and time again, he, David Cairnduff knew full well that we were using illegal software as well as Greg Church "I brought a copy of Norton in that was in a box in my basement" Uh, Ok, whatever Mr. Church. That was a lie, Greg had just bought that copy and brought it in for the company to use because Greg and Dave are buddies. I honestly got to a point that I no longer wanted to participate in loading illegal software and what happens, it blows up on me. Why is it in almost 5 years employment I never was written up for job performance?
Let you in on another secret, you should have looked close at the receipts of the software MMCC had to buy. They were upgrades, what does that mean? MMCC is still not compliant with their software, you have to own a pervious FULL version before you can buy an upgrade version.
I still stand by the fact that the threat to turn them in WAS one of the reasons they fired me, why was It brought up in the termination/fired/quit/separation/whatever you want to call it meeting and why was there never anything in writing THAT day why I was fired? I asked them can I get a statement why you are firing me and Mr. Cairnduff refused! Then he show boats that I quit my job, what a joke. If it was not a reason it would never have came up in the meeting. "I hear that you are going to report us for using illegal software. What is this about?" My reply was, ask Dave and Greg, they are fully aware of it.
In short, my lawsuit was not frivolous as you may think it was. I however have my life in God's hands and he will provide. I did do my part, I continued to search and be employed after the termination, but that first year was rough because I did have a non-compete with MMCC that I followed. I am a good person, I have a wonderful family, a great job. I filed the lawsuit a few months after my termination, at this point in my life I did not know where it was going to go. If I would have gone right into another job, I probably would not have filed a suit. However in that year, I had my vehicle repossessed, my house foreclosed on, and my business went under. Why was that, well seeing I was just starting out I did not have much capital, so if I ever ran into a problem, I paid for it and gave the business a loan from myself, then it would pay me back. Losing my job put me in a position that I could not float my business when it needed it, thus bringing me to the sad fact that I had to shut it down. Thus why I sought legal counsel and they took my case on contingency. I did not just sit back and wait for a handout, I went and got another job. I did my part to litigate my damages. I am not left with nothing and life will go forward. I do not need MMCC's money. God, Family, Friends, old MMCC co-workers know the full truth about the man that owns MMCC.
If you would be happy to discuss this, I would be more than welcome on a rational level head. Like I said I am not mad at you, I don't seek revenge, it is what it is, I didn't prove my case. I honestly can live with it. I feel maybe being a journalist that you might want the whole facts. I honestly think the court room is corrupt and the truth is not always obtained. The law is hunky dory, but if the law is not enforced, it is not worth a can of beans. So now every employer has to point blank say "Yes that is why we fired you" for the law to protect the worker? What company is going to roll over and say "Yup" that is why we fired them? I doubt any.
I am intelligent person and looking at your blogs, my ideals are fairly much in line with yours, believe it or not.
From your blog…..
"Mr. Prevo just had the wrong jury. It is scary to think that we could have forced MMCC to pay any amount of money we saw fit."
I agree with the first sentence, however the more scary part is to think of all the companies than can get away with breaking this law and why people are afraid to do the right thing. I was. Thus why I hesitated for a long time and "went along" with the game. The law does not protect the work force.
Wish I had a tape recorded the day I was fired and didn't quit like Mr. Cairnduff said I did.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Lawrence J. Prevo

I see Greg Church replied to your blog. Again, lies about my youth. I was not some notorious computer hacker they tried to portray me as. They used something I did as a youth against me. It was NOT computer hacking and I was NEVER arrested! So who is calling the kettle black here?
Next I did not parade my children for the jury. If Mr. Church wants to know the truth, I had to return the car I was using after court that day and that morning the lady who was caring for our children after school could not watch them because her mother ended up in the hospital also we live over an hour away from Flint! So we had no choice but to bring them that morning.
Previous acts of suing, is this guy on crack. You want to know what, I have only had one other lawsuit in my life. What was that about? While at Genesys I slipped into a coma and they left a rubber band noose around my right bicep (that thing they use to draw blood), they left it on all night and caused permanent nerve damage to my right arm. Guess what else, I settled out of court with them. I could have easily pushed them to court and got much more, but no, I didn't do that. So one other case, not even remotely connected to this case, I am sue happy? All I have left to say is whatever Greg!
One more thing I want to add. I do see your FASTO blog. It seems you may have a biased opinion to FAT people. If that is the case, you told the attorneys that you didn't. Why would you call someone a FATSO in a blog then? You stated in your blog that I was +100 pounds more when I was fired. Obviously you did not listen close enough. I was 480 pds when I started and weighed 350 pds when I left there, that was 130 pds LESS! Why am I overweight to begin with, I have battled hypothyroidism my whole life. However that wouldn't be a care to you, because us lazy uneducated American's do nothing but over use the health care system.

Lawrence James said...

I know this is old, but I am curious why you never replied to this?