Semi-random ramblings from the ethereal edge of...ahh forget it.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Standing "O" for outstanding line...

"Maverick" McCain makes first appearance in GOP primary race

From the Atlantic Monthly online edition:

The only standing ovation belonged to him for his classic line about Hillary Clinton's Woodstock museum earmark: "I’m sure it was an historical and pharmaceutical event… I was tied up at the time."

McCain, obviously, was referring to his time spent as a prisoner of war in the Hanoi Hilton. It was a lighthearted moment, to be sure, but it gave conservative viewers something they could take home with them--a soundbyte.

What's in a line?

McCain's quick-witted barb may have been just what the doctor ordered. He is making a late charge at the nomination, after faltering out of the blocks like Barbaro at the Preakness.

McCain's campaign got a much needed shot in the arm last night in Orlando. The senior senator from Arizona had the "Straight Talk Express" running on all cylinders, looking like the strongest candidate on the stage with an ingenious mixture of beltway and belt buckle.

He shot from the hip on social issues, defense and even put his convervative credentials up against those of anyone on the stage.

In reference to the Russia Tsar-to-be, Vladamir Putin, McCain said "...when I look into his eyes I see three letters: K, G, B." (An obvious reference to President Bush's claim that he could see into "Puty Poo's" soul.)

McCain's performance was downright shocking after having the appearance of a doddering old man in the last debate in Dearborn, Michigan.

He was the "I'm going to beat Al Gore like a drum" McCain of old.

This MIGHT be a very serious development in the race for the nomination because it could have the effect of robbing Giuliani of his "the only guy who can beat Hillary" base.

The John McCain I saw during the Immigration Bill debate couldn't beat Hillary; the John McCain I saw in Dearborn earlier this month couldn't beat Hillary; but, the John McCain I saw last night could.

Welcome to the race.

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