Semi-random ramblings from the ethereal edge of...ahh forget it.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Stupidity has a face

**In the interest of full disclosure I should make mention of the fact that I am still bitter that Woody beat out the Grizzly Man, Timothy Treadwell, for the role of bartender in Cheers**

There was a story on the front page of the Flint Journal today highlighting one woman's brush with stardom--a quick-hitter conversation with Woody Harrelson.

The mediocre-at-best actor, who is currently shooting scenes for an upcoming comedy with Will Ferrell entitled "Semi-Pro", took notice of the woman who was wearing a personalized shirt in his honor.

(I think it should be noted that by the time this woman caught Woody's eye, she had already waited for him in a downtown alley for four hours.)

Here is the Journal's account:

The actors began shaking hands and exchanging words with the crowd, and Dulaney got the attention she sought when Harrelson noticed her shirt - and the one for him in the bag.

"Wow, you made this for me?" he said. "Thank you."

In what seemed to be a flash, the actors were back on the set, the excitement had died down - and Dulaney was a minor celebrity. She retreated to her chair to let her joy sink in.

"This is awesome," she said. "I don't even know what time it is. And my feet don't hurt any more."

This is a grown woman, friends.

Imagine how she might react to meeting someone with talent. Instead, she is coming unglued over an actor who has given his life to such noble causes as: the legalization of weed, hemp oil-powered cars and the saving of the redwoods.

This is to say nothing of his stellar performances on the silver screen--Kingpin, The Cowboy Way and Money Train to name a few.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like redwoods and B-quality movies as much as the next guy. That being said, I think it is obvious that this guy is the quintessential Hollywood elitist, a member of the guardian class of vegans.

Yeah, I have a problem with Woody Harrelson and people like him.

Call them the Limousine Leftists.

By now you should know them by their fruit: They make crappy movies, they make a lot of money, they are socially irresponsible, they cling to irrelevant causes that rarely involve HUMAN suffering and then feign interest in their fans for five seconds to keep them coming back to the box office to subsidize their dispensable lives.

Flint is in rare form right now, with LaKisha Jones in the final four of American Idol and the filming of Semi-Pro in downtown.

The spotlight is starting to illuminate something that is pathetic at best and disgusting at worst: The hero worship of celebrities.

Like, for instance, this...

Again, from the Flint Journal:

Did you spot someone famous at a local restaurant, bar, ice cream shop or some other place? The filming of "Semi-Pro" in Flint will bring comedic superstar Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, Maura Tierney from "E.R." fame, Andre "3000" Benjamin, and other cast members.
And we think you will ... so share the details here.

What did they say, what did they eat or do. Did you get a photo?

I think the obvious response is "who cares!?" However, let me field a guess where Harrelson's choice of food is concerned:

A soyburger topped with wheatgerm pressed between two gluten-free buns washed down with organic prune juice.

Yeah, folks in Flint can relate to that.

People like Harrelson and his ilk aren't like us. In fact, they think we're stupid.

And, in at least one case, they're right.

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